GENEROUS. PATRIOT became Commander of the Order of the British Empire in Friday’s investiture at Jericho.
Viscount Alexander, Governor-General, cited Austin C. Taylor, bank director, mining and oil magnate, rancher, for distinguished public service in philanthropic and patriotic movements.
MASSIVE TIMBER DOCK at CNR pier, foot of Main, was severely battered along this 60-foot section late Tuesday afternoon when SS James Lick, freighter from San Francisco, struck it head-on. Bow of ship penetrated 40 feet into pier, but vessel was undamaged. Crash set off fire sprinklers, bringing firemen to scene.
THE BATTING STANCE which has made WIL baseball pitchers duck belongs to Buddy Hjelmaa, Capilano’s sophomore shortstop who leads the team at the plate.· Hjelmaa, getting a good jump in early season games,
is hitting .387, among leaders in Wl batting race.
STRONG .WRISTS help Buddy. Hjelmaa to add power in long-distan.ce clouting for Capilanos. Hjelmaa has snap in these wrists, can pull an inside· pitch or hit an outside delivery into his off field.
BIG NIGHT FOR members of North Vancouver Sea Cadet Corps came Monday when they were inspected by Rear-Admiral E. R. Mainguy. Here Peter Britton. 2354 Jef ferson, “West Vancouver, is given the once-over by Rear-Admiral Mainguy while Sub.-Lt. Neil Benay, 125 Twenty-fifth, West Vancouver, looks on.
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