INTENSE RIVALRY between ”Father and Son” ‘is reflected in determined expressions of Bill Testar and son, Jerry, of 1236 Fulton, in novelty relay race marking annual ”Father and Son” banquet in St. Christopher Church Hall, West Vancouver, Friday WEATHER OUTSIDE IS FRIGHTFUL but it doesn’t scare the high school kids, who are going through their track and field eliminations in preparation for their big day, May 21, at Varsity Stadium. Here, hip boots and all, John Oliver’s Doris Ford is lining up for a start in senior girls’ 60-yard dash. Doris won her heat, but without the boots. BIRD BATHitlG was demonstrated by Mrs. Edith Weaver, 2663 Grant, at Cage Bird Association meeting Friday. Using husband’s shaving brush and soapy water, brush bird all over except face. Roll it up in towel so it looks like sausage roll and place near warm stove to dry. WELFARE WORKER was cited Member of the Order of the British Empire by Viscount Alexander in Friday’s investiture. A. B. Fitch, shown with small son, Michael, 166 East Thirty-seventh, was director of mobile welfare unit overseas and is now provincial government social welfare worker. His mother was proclaimed ”Veterans’ Mother of 1948” last Sunday. ALL OUT FOR FUN was Mrs. W. Green, 2740 Napier, who sold doughnuts on the B.C. Electric trams Thursday night. She so startled the customers and the conductors they didn’t even collect her tickets. Mrs. Green was a victim of Roy Ward Dixon’s japes at his Fun Parade radio show at the Forum. Yes, that is long underwear she is sporting for the ultra-new look.

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